Zip/Unzip SQL Server Database Backup File on Linux Machine

After the fantastic announcement of SQL Server on Linux – Public Preview, I started exploring a couple of things on SQL Server on Linux. During the exploration of SSOL, I realized that If you are a new Linux System user, you might find difficulties to zip and unzip a SQL database backup file on a Linux system. In this tutorial, we will see how we can achieve this using command line.

  • Connect to your Linux machine


  • Check, if the Zip software is already installed

Syntax: dpkg -s zip


  • If It is not installed, let’s switch to root user to install it

Syntax: sudo -i


  • Now, let’s install the Zip software

Syntax: apt-get install zip


  • Locate the SQL Server database backup zipped file on your Linux machine

Syntax: ls -l


  • Unzip the SQL database backup file

∗At Same location

Syntax: unzip ‘ThezippedSQLBackupfileName’ ‘ExtractedFileName’


∗At different location

Syntax: unzip ‘ThezippedSQLBackupfileName’ -d ‘NewLocationwithExtractedFileName’

Note: “-d” parameter is used to  extract files into exdir


  • Verify the unzipped backup file

Syntax: ls -l


  • Now, Zip a SQL Server Database backup file and verify it

Syntax: zip ‘’ ‘BackupFileName’


I hope this tutorial was helpful and also saved your a lot of time on searching how to zip and unzip SQL Server database backup file or others files on Linux machine.

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